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Quantitative Evaluation

Intended audience: DataKind Volunteers

Quantitatively evaluating the project is all about measuring success in the way that the partner organization defines success. In this part of the evaluation, DataKind checks in with the partner organization to ensure that they have completed the measurement plan agreed upon during the Design Stage and asks for the results.

To complete the quantitative evaluation, please do the following:

  1. Reach out to the Project Champion or designated point of contact at the partner organization in the agreed upon timeline within the measurement plan, most likely about six months after project completion.
  2. Remind them of the success metrics and associated measurement plan that was agreed upon during the Design Stage of the project.
  3. Ask if they have completed the measurement plan and have the success metrics results to share with you.
  4. Record the success metrics in the evaluation report, and ask your staff support person to record them in Salesforce as well.

Keep in mind that the project success metrics from the measurement plan are helpful in understanding if the project had the intended impact, but we know that they are not sufficient to fully understand project impact in the long run. This is exactly why these quantitative results are paired with the qualitative evaluation and the surveys conducted in the Share Stage, to get a full picture of the project’s impact and success.

Contributer(s): Kenley Ambroise, Caitlin Augustin, Mitali Ayyangar, Balasubramaniam Theetharappan, Benjamin Kinsella, Emily Yelverton, Shanna Lee, Mallory Sheff

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