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Recruit and prepare the right fit team of data scientists to complete the project.

Intended audience: DataKind Volunteers

Introduction to the Prepare Stage

The first part of the execution phase is all about preparing to do the project! The Prepare stage includes volunteer recruitment, applications, selection, and onboarding. Volunteers are oriented to DataKind’s values and collaboration principles, alongside onboarding to their specific project. The Prepare stage is complete when we have a solid project plan, an onboarded volunteer team, and have kicked-off with an official project launch!

While the Prepare stage is conducted almost entirely by the DataKind team, be sure to keep the Project Champion at the partner organization informed along the way. Make sure to set expectations that project execution can’t start until this stage is completed, and allow them the opportunity to weigh in or contribute when appropriate (e.g. perhaps they can promote the volunteer role to their networks to help with recruitment).

DataKind team roles during the Prepare stage
  • Chapter Leader or DataKind staff support - In addition to their overall role of overseeing the project from inception to completion, at this stage the Chapter Leader or DataKind staff member who is responsible for the project is also responsible for recruiting and selecting the volunteer team.
  • Scoper - If the person who scoped the project is not the person who will be leading it, the Prepare is when the Scoper transfers the project information to the project team and shares the rigorous documentation they created during the Discover and Design Stages.
  • Project Manager - The Project Manager is recruited and comes on board during the Prepare stage. They will draft the Project Brief alongside the Data Ambassador, set up the necessary systems for effective technical project management, and meet the Project Champion (their point person for the project at the partner organization).
  • Data Ambassador - If a Data Ambassador was not recruited during Discovery or Design, they will definitely be identified and onboarded during the Prepare stage. During this stage, Data Ambassadors will organize the data, project materials, and potentially technology so that it’s quick and easy for volunteers to get started. They will also support onboarding volunteers and work with the Project Manager in drafting a project plan. Lastly, Data Ambassadors are expected to set the project cadence and regularly communicate with stakeholders.
Prepare stage steps

Draft volunteer needs for the project, mindful of the importance of diversity and inclusivity

Create a volunteer recruitment plan that includes a mix of new and experienced DataKind volunteers

Select volunteer team incorporating ethical review practices

MUST DO: Ensure all volunteers have a signed volunteer agreement on file and their Salesforce record is up-to-date with their project role

Setup all needed technology for the project before launch

Orient volunteers on DataKind’s values and collaboration principles

Ensure project team and partners are aligned on the project plan with clear stages and checkpoints, customized from the template for the project’s unique need

MUST DO: Scoper(s) and project leaders check in with advisory team to review what was prepared, particularly the project plan and agreed upon milestones for execution

Contributer(s): Rachel Wells

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