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Execution Checkpoints

Intended audience: DataKind Volunteers

The Execution stage is unique in that it has three checkpoints within it, instead of just one cumulative checkpoint at the end. For a reminder on how all checkpoints are conducted and how to prepare for them, see Intro to Checkpoints. To conclude each checkpoint, Chapter Leaders and/or staff should make sure that all project information is up-to-date in Salesforce.

Agenda template for all checkpoints (feel free to edit based on your specific needs!):

  • Review and discuss what has been done so far and the steps completed
  • Ask questions about the project and explain any unclear documentation as needed
  • Make formal decision on whether or not to move into the next stage
  • Discuss and agree on next steps
  • Go over and answer questions on all steps necessary between now and the next checkpoint
  • Answer any lingering questions
Explore Checkpoint

After completing your exploratory data analysis, this is the point in which you should be prepared for and open to the possibility of an execution pivot, within reason, based on the results of your exploration. A pivot is where the problem statement changes or you realize the value you can provide to the partner organization is not what you originally set out to do. Be open to this possibility, but strategic and thoughtful about using it! If the project needs to pivot, make sure you haven’t missed any steps or considerations as you decide a new plan forward.

The Explore Checkpoint is often accompanied by a demonstration for the partner organization, typically conducted by the Data Ambassador and supported by the rest of the DataKind team. If you decide to conduct an exploration demonstration, here is a presentation deck template and a sample agenda for this meeting:

  • Recap Team’s Progress
  • Exploratory Graphs and Findings
  • Outstanding Questions for Partner Organization
  • Identified Project Risks and Proposed Scope Changes
  • Recommendations for Improved Data Collection Storage
  • Q\&A (15 minutes)
Minimum Viable Product (MVP) Checkpoint

The MVP is a first version of the product, which has just enough features for the partner organization to react to and provide feedback on to inform the approach for project completion. At this checkpoint it is essential to demonstrate the MVP for the partner organization, to make sure the team is on track with expectations. The demonstration is typically conducted by the Data Ambassador and supported by the rest of the DataKind team. A sample agenda for this meeting could look like:

  • Presentation (Take advantage of DataKind’s presentation template, which you can find a copy of in your project’s google drive folder already (“5 Share”→”2 Presentations”) if you used the DataKind standard folder structure, which includes all templates. If you don’t see it, make a copy of the template here.)
    • The scope of the project and deliverables
    • The focus of the last phase
    • The output of the last phase if applicable
    • Questions for the organization
  • Q&A (20 minutes)

The MVP Checkpoint is an opportunity to debrief the demo for the partner organization, and decide on next steps based on the results.

Execute Checkpoint

This is the last Checkpoint of the Execute Stage, and the point at which you decide whether you are done with project work and ready to transition to sharing the project. The most important things to check for in the Execute Checkpoint are:

  • The team has created strong instructional materials for maintenance and scale that have been reviewed by external parties and shown to be sufficient.
  • The team feels confident that the solution is technically correct and the code is reliable. They’ve conducted sufficient code reviews.
  • The documentation is strong and no major questions remain unanswered when reviewing the project documents.
  • The team has incorporated the feedback from the partner organization and made any changes agreed upon at the MVP checkpoint and accompanying demonstration.

If these steps haven’t all happened, or another review would be valuable, provide whatever support you can to help the team move forward and get to the Share Stage in a timely manner. That said, do not move the team forward until all these elements are in place!

Contributer(s): Matthew Harris, Rachel Wells

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