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Chapter Logos and Avatars

Intended audience: DataKind Volunteers

Note: You can find our full DataKind Style Guide for Chapters here.

The DataKind Chapter logos are the symbol of our global community using data science for good, so use it thoughtfully. Always include it on any DataKind-related materials and whenever possible, use the original orange version (HEX #f79122). When on a color background, use the white or gray versions, depending the design application.

Access Chapter avatars and logos here.

Logo Spacing and Application

Give the logo enough breathing room so that it stands on its own when surrounded by other design elements. The space around the logo should, at a minimum, equal the cap height of the logo (that is the height of the capital “D” in DataKind). This is the smallest distance allowed between the logo and the edge of a page, an image, or text.

Consider placing the logo in the header or footer of materials. When using the logo with partner logos, make sure they are the same width or height, depending on the orientation of the partner logo.

With a few exceptions, DataKind’s logo should rarely serve as a prominent title graphic or be the biggest element on a page. Think of DataKind’s value of being humble when placing the logo.

Logo misuse
  1. Do not warp, squeeze, stretch, or distort.
  2. Do not change orientation.
  3. Do not outline logo in color, black, or white.
  4. Do not change color of any elements.
  5. Do not recreate.
  6. Do not use unapproved color variations.
  7. Do not remove any parts.
  8. Do not add any graphics, illustrations, or icons.

Do not add any graphics, illustrations, or icons.

Chapter Avatars

Included with the Chapter logos are avatars for each Chapter. These avatars should be used for social media profile pictures, Slack channel icons, and the like.

Contributer(s): Caroline Charrow, Melissa, Elana Stern, Rachel Wells

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