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DataDive Frequently Asked Questions

Intended audience: DataKind Volunteers

What is a DataDive?

DataDive events are high-energy, marathon-style, multi-day community events where mission-driven organizations work alongside teams of pro bono data scientists, developers, and designers to use data to gain insight into their programs, the communities they serve, and more. They are focused on catalyzing work on projects which lead to proof-of-concepts, prototypes, or clear recommendations for paths of action to take on a project. DataDives are not a competition. They are not intended to produce complex tools or products in just a weekend. Instead, they tend to focus on exploratory deliverables, alongside opportunities to network with one another and help social impact organizations.

What is the goal of a DataDive? What outcomes do partner organizations walk away with?

The purpose of a DataDive event is for teams of experts to analyze, visualize, and combine data to give their partner organizations initial insights or prototypes to inform their work. Organizations walk away with anything from answers to pressing questions, findings that will cut costs, or prototypes of tools. DataDive events can lead to longer term projects with DataKind and, for many organizations, serve as an exhilarating introduction to data science! Organizations typically leave with concrete evidence that will support their decision making on how to best apply data towards their mission.

How does a DataDive event work?

During a DataDive, our volunteer data scientists, developers, and designers work with our partner organization to better understand both the data as well as the potential of data science to increase impact through collaborative work sessions. Before the event, DataKind supports the participating organization to define their specific issue(s) or challenge(s) and ready their data for an intense (often weekend long) event. Volunteers analyze, visualize, and mashup data to give their partner organizations initial insights or prototypes to inform their work. DataDives are a great opportunity for volunteers to build new skills, hone existing skills, and make new connections. They are a great way for organizations to get fast results.

What is a typical DataDive schedule?

DataDive events typically start with a kickoff presentation, followed by simultaneous volunteer work sessions for 3-10 projects typically with multiple partner organizations, and conclude with a report back session.

  • The Kickoff: At the kickoff, you will meet volunteers, partner organizations, and DataKind staff. You will hear more about the projects and outputs to enable you to choose which one(s) you want to join. You will also have the opportunity to ask questions and network. If you can’t attend the kickoff event, the recording will be posted in slack.
  • The DataDive event: This is the main event where volunteer teams dive into the projects! Volunteers choose one (or more) projects to contribute to over the weekend. Core volunteers support the project from start to finish to ensure meaningful work gets delivered.
  • The Handoff (Post-event): Once the event ends, the core volunteers wrap up any project outputs with DataKind staff to share back with the partner organizations to determine next steps. These outputs for partner organizations could include visualizations, analyses, graphs, or new datasets. DataDive events can lead to longer term projects or other engagements with DataKind for partner organizations.

Getting Started

What can I do to be prepared in advance for the DataDive?

There are two pieces of software that we always use for DataDives, which can be valuable to get onboarded to in advance:

  • Slack: Install Slack and get familiar with it if you aren’t already. Our Slack community workspace is where we will broadcast updates and communicate with one another.
  • GitHub: Create an account and review GitHub’s onboarding materials if you are not already comfortable working in GitHub with project teams. GitHub is where we share code, results, and project tasks throughout the weekend. Additionally, DataKind will provide project briefs in advance of the event. It’s helpful to review these ahead of the event to get onboarded to your specific project.
How do I get started right away?

To get started right away, complete the following steps:

  1. Join the Slack workspace for the DataDive.
  2. Decide which project(s) you want to start with, and join the main project channel in Slack for that project.
  3. Once in that channel, look at the bookmarks for the project brief, and look for any pinned notes from staff & core volunteers that could help you determine which task(s) you want to start with.
  4. Find & claim your first task: You can indicate what task you are working on in your project brief, slack, and/or GitHub, depending on how the project is being managed. You will find specific instructions for claiming your first task in your project brief.
How do I know what needs to be done / what the available tasks are?

Check out the main project channel in slack for the project, look at the bookmarks for the project brief for a task list, information on who is working on what, and what the available tasks are. If you aren’t sure, send a message in the project’s Slack channel.

How do I know which project to join?

Attend the kickoff event or watch the recording to identify which project is aligned with your interest and skills. You can always change projects throughout the weekend or volunteer for multiple projects.

Volunteer Requirements

What is needed to volunteer?

First, you need to register as a volunteer through the eventbrite page. Registration includes agreeing to our volunteer confidentiality agreement and code of conduct, which are required in order to participate. If you had difficulty viewing and acknowledging the volunteer agreement through eventbrite, you may do so here.

Additionally, you need internet access and capability to work within the cloud. The following skills are often also valuable during DataDive events:

  • Data Wrangling, Munging, Cleaning, Hacking, Engineering, etc.
  • Statistical Modeling and/or Machine Learning
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Network and/or Geospatial Analysis
  • Data Visualization and/or Presenting Results
  • Programming in R and/or Python
  • Technical Writing and/or Research
Can I volunteer without technical skills?

While most of our projects require basic data science skills, there may be opportunities to volunteer without technical skills during a DataDive. These can include, for example:

  • Researching and locating open datasets
  • Creating tools to agree/ align on nomenclature or key definitions
  • Providing context into a specific sector or subject matter expertise

While these needs will be identified on a case-by-case basis, we encourage you to sign up to explore the project briefs for the DataDive. In the project briefs, you can identify tasks within your skill set that you would like to drive forward as part of this event.


What will help me rapidly, successfully contribute to a project in a DataDive?

Review the project brief and tasks in advance of the event. Then, pick one task that you know you can accomplish, share with the team that you are working on it, and get started on it promptly. Share your results with your team as soon as you’re done, and then move onto another task if you have time!

What is most important to ensure I am able to make a positive impact through volunteering this weekend?

First, documentation is key. DataKind and the project partners need to be able to understand all work that has been completed to ensure it can be useful and prevent duplicative efforts. Make sure to document what task you are working on and regularly share your progress in Slack, to prevent duplicative efforts across the team. As you stop/finish tasks, save your work in your project’s shared google drive or GitHub!

Second, communicate early and often, as you may be working with others that you have just met. Be curious; we welcome questions. It creates great dialogue and brainstorming. It’s okay to not have it all figured out right away, that’s what teams are for! Pop in your project’s Zoom room to connect with fellow volunteers: Access by clicking the red button “View the Event” from your Eventbrite confirmation.

In summary, stay engaged. Share back every 30 minutes or so with your team about how you’re doing, what you’re doing, etc., so that everyone is on the same page. We love seeing screenshots, code snippets, success stories and lessons learned!


Can I join more than one project?

During a DataDive, volunteers are free to jump from project to project over the course of the weekend. DataKind staff are available to provide guidance and support as needed!

Do I need to attend the whole weekend?

It’s perfectly fine to participate if you can only attend part of the weekend! We appreciate whatever you are able to contribute.

Can I work on tasks outside of the work sessions?

Yes! Use the steps above to get started, and just make sure to share your results before the shareback session. DataDives are very flexible.

Zoom link access is through your Eventbrite confirmation email. You will get another reminder email before the event. In that email, click the red button “View Your Event” which will take you to the page where you can open the Zoom link.

How do I get help during the event?

We’re here to help at our #all-help-desk channel in Slack! We also have #code-of-conduct if you want to view how we aim to provide a safe and inclusive environment for the event.

Do I need to finish every task I start?

No, you don’t have to finish every task you start. Just give a heads up when you’re moving on to something else, and leave some notes for the next person who might pick the work up!

After the DataDive

Can I keep working on a project after the DataDive is over?

After the DataDive is over, continue sharing all the work you did - big or small, in progress or completed - on GitHub, Drive, or Slack. DataKind will add more info, event presentations, and recordings to our website. We will keep the Slack project channels open for two weeks to enable you to continue to share your work and connect. If you want to stay on the project longer term, email with the project you’re interested in.

How do I stay involved with DataKind and volunteer again after the DataDive?

Subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated on everything happening at DataKind.


Who are our partner organizations?

These organizations apply to work with DataKind and include nonprofits, social enterprises, and government agencies. They designate a partner representative as point person for the DataDive team.

Where are DataDives?

DataDive events may be virtual or in-person.

How can I learn more about DataDives?

Watch our DataDive 101 video. If you’d like to see an example of past DataDive project outcomes, check out this blog on Increasing Food Security with the results from our December 2022 DataDive.

How do I share about my participation in this DataDive on social media?

Use the #datadive hashtag.

Contributer(s): Lawrence Kilroy, Rachel Wells

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If you would like to learn more about us, partner with us, or get in touch, email us at

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