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Volunteers Tracking Hours FAQs

Intended audience: DataKind Volunteers

1. Why is DataKind asking volunteers for this information?

As a part of annual reporting, the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requires nonprofits like DataKind to report all donations - including non-monetary ones like volunteer time. We ask volunteers to report the hours they spend doing DataKind activities so we can accurately report the value of their contribution.

2. What information will be collected?

DataKind (DK) Global will collect:

  • Volunteer Name
  • Volunteer email
  • Volunteer country
  • The event/project participated in
  • Time spent in meeting/event
3. What information will be shared, with who, and for what purpose?
Information Shared With Who? Purpose Duration
Volunteer name, the event/project they participated in, volunteer email, time spent volunteering, volunteer location DataKind Community team staff Staff on the Community team will collect this information for required reporting purposes. Minimum of 1 year
Sum of unique volunteers, sum of volunteer hours, project names, mission statements External audiences, including reports, social media, and funders We are proud of the work of our volunteers and want to share their overall impact and dedication to DataKind’s mission. Minimum of 1 year
Unique number of volunteers per project, number of hours per project, list of volunteer names for each event/project (no email) DataKind’s Accountant DataKind is legally required to report on the total number of in-kind hours and unique number of volunteers. Minimum of 1 year
Does this collection process comply with privacy laws such as GDPR (United Kingdom) and PDPA (Singapore) standards?

To comply with both GDPR and PDPA, all volunteers can review our privacy notice with information regarding the collection, storage, and usage of their personal data.

Will volunteers receive emails from DK Global? If so, how many?

The DK Global Volunteer team will only email volunteers with the monthly survey to collect volunteer hours. This email will be sent at the end of each month and may include one reminder email. (These emails are separate from the DataKind newsletter, which is sent to anyone who subscribes).

Contributer(s): Rachel Wells

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